Please select a member type to begin your registration:
Active Members – must be licensed as Doctors of Medicine/Osteopathic Medicine in the State of West Virginia and practicing in our surface area and have completed an accredited orthopaedic residency program. They may vote and hold office.
Associate Members – shall be any health professional that treats musculo-skeletal diseases and are duly licensed by their profession’s licensing board in West Virginia. Must be sponsored by an Active member of WVOS and will pay dues at half the rate.
Emeritus Members – shall be Active Members who have retired from active practice. They may be considered for Emeritus Membership upon their own request. Dues shall be waived; they may neither vote nor hold office.
Resident Members - shall be Active Members who haven't graduated to active practice. They may be considered for Resident Membership upon their own request. Dues shall be waived; they may neither vote nor hold office.