WVU’s President Gordon Gee installs Dr. Shafic Sraj as President of the West Virginia State Medical Association.

Outgoing WV State Medical Association President Dr. Brad Hall turns over the reins to Dr. Shafic Sraj.

Dr. Shafic Sraj gives his inaugural presidential address at The Greenbrier.

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee shares stories with Dr. Joe Prud’homme.

Our past (and current) presidents gathered to honor Dr. Shafic Sraj. They are, from left, Drs. Joe Prud’homme, Felix Cheung, Stan Tao, Manny Molina and Tony Majestro.

WVOS Executive Director Diane Slaughter and Past President Stan Tao posed for one last photo before Stan moved to Georgia.

Our members gathered with the new WVSMA President. They are, from left, Drs. Joe Prud’homme, Manny Molina, Shafic Sraj, Stan Tao, Karim Boukhemis, Tony Majestro and Ret Topping.

Our past (and current) presidents gathered to honor Dr. Shafic Sraj. They are, from left, Drs. Joe Prud’homme, Felix Cheung, Stan Tao, Manny Molina and Tony Majestro.

Other WVOS members attended the WV State Medical Association Healthcare Summit in August, not all of whom are pictured. Shown here, from left, are Drs. Matt Walker, Joe Prud’homme, Tony Majestro, Manny Molina, Shafic Boukhemis, Stan Tao and Ret Topping.

When the presidency of the WV Association of Orthopaedic Executives comes open next year, Chad Fisher (left) and Clint Welch may have found the best way to select the new president!