Senator Joe Manchin shared his ideas on the Good Samaritan Bill and other issues of concern to the orthopaedic community. He discussed the need for ways to solve the gridlock in Congress and heard our viewpoint on opioid issues.

Congressman Evan Jenkins discussed the need for our input into orthopaedic and medical issues at the federal level, as well as changes coming to West Virginia.

WVOS President Stan Tao, Director Vivek Neginhal, Congressman Evan Jenkins, AAOS Councilor Joe Prud’homme, Secretary/Treasurer Shafic Sraj and Vice President Felix Cheung smiled for the camera following our meeting on August 25 at The Greenbrier.

Congressman Jenkins even found time for a photo with WVOS Intern Alisha Jarrett, a senior at West Virginia State University.

The WVOS board discussed legislative and membership issues, as well as a new program to help patients learn to dispose of unused prescription medications.

Among those attending the Summer Membership Meeting were, from left, Drs. Stan Tao, Shafic Sraj, Tom Reinsel, Felix Cheung, Jason Gessel, Lunden Ryan and Joe Prud’homme. Topics of discussion included raising dues from $150 to $175 for 2019, and allowing members to sign up for recurring annual dues payments.