The Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability, meeting on Sunday, received reports on two state Board of Education policies and four West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission (WVSSAC) policies.
State Board policies
§ Policy 5901. This policy was discussed at the state Board’s April meeting and during April legislative interim meetings. The policy would align program eligibility criteria for Alternative Certification Programs for the education of teachers to comply with 2023 legislation primarily relating to educator preparation program instructional programs, as well as changes in criteria for educational qualifications. The state Board recommends the policy be withdrawn from public comment and the newly amended version be placed on public comment for 30 days. Click here for more information.
§ Policy 6204. This proposed state Board of Education policy effectuates changes in law relating to school closings or consolidation based on the Legislature’s adoption of Senate Bill 51. That legislation, debated during the past several legislative session, requires enhanced impact statements detailing how school closures or consolidations impact student bus travel times and the “community.” Additionally, the amended policy enhances, clarifies, and makes technical corrections that ensure school closure and consolidation documents support county board school closure or consolidation proposals.
Secondary Schools Activities Commission policies
Subject: 127 CSR 1, Constitution
This rule would require that a second confirmation vote be taken whenever the result of a vote by the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission (WVSSAC) Board of Control (comprised of state secondary school principals) has a margin of five or less. Additionally, the rule would increase the annual honorarium of each of the officer-members constituting the Board of Directors of the WVSSAC from $500 to $1,000.
Subject: 127 CSR 2, Athletics, Provisions Governing Eligibility
Proposed revisions to this rule expand eligibility for participation in interscholastic athletics to students who comply with §18-2-25, which allows, under certain conditions, homeschooled students, participants of the Hope Scholarship Program, participants in a micro school or learning pod, and private school students to participate in interscholastic athletics at the public secondary school serving the attendance zone in which the student lives.
Additionally, proposed revisions state that in addition to those transfers permitted by any other rule, a student is eligible for a one-time transfer during grades 9-12 and to retain immediate eligibility following the transfer. The rule also provides that if the transfer occurs during a season in which the student has started practice at the previous school, the student will be eligible for all sports except the sport in which the student has started practice at the previous school. Also, any transfer made outside the scope of the rule can file for a waiver with the WVSSAC Board of Directors as permitted by this rule.
Subject: 127 CSR 3, Provisions Governing Contests
Among its many proposed revisions to WVSSAC rules, this proposal would remove language allowing school-organized out-of-season practice or related activities during three consecutive weeks established by each school and approved by each county board or by the governing body of a private/parochial school. Instead, the “flex-days” that each sport program can use from Monday of week 49 through Friday of Week 48 of the next academic year is increased from 12 to 32 days. The revisions also provide that flex days must be combined with all varsity and sub-varsity sports by teams meaning that a flex day used by a sport counts for all levels of that sport per school. Also, participation is required to be open to all students, voluntary, and not required directly or indirectly for membership on a school team. The revisions also would allow a coach to promote, initiate, organize, supervise, or participate in out-of-season events involving students of the same sport as the grade-level coaching assignment and preceding grade level once a student has aged out of the coach’s assignment, meaning a middle-school coach can coach an eighth-grade student in the same sport after the conclusion of the season and that a high school coach can coach an athlete once the student has completed the senior season.
27 CSR 4, Provisions Governing Conduct
Revisions to this rule change the method for determining how many additional contests a coach, student, or bench person ejected by an official is required to be suspended. Currently, the suspension is assessed based on 10 percent of the allowed regular season contests or post-season progression in a playoff tournament for that sport. The rule, however, stipulates the suspension is always based on 10 percent of the regular season contests regardless of when the suspension occurs and providing the exact length of the suspension, based on the sport. Finally, the rule would allow an appeal of any subsequent suspension that is a consequence of an ejection by an official but retains the prohibition against an appeal of the rejection. The state Board of Education will consider placing the rules on a 30-day comment period at the Board’s May 10 meeting. |